Monday, March 23, 2009

Being a dad has laughs and sorrow, but riding helps clarify-sometimes

Friday March 20th I signed my wife and I up to chaperon my 12 year old son's middle school dance. There was plenty of teasing about embarrassing him-none of which came to pass. However, it added another day-now three in a row, when I didn't get to ride. However, I wouldn't have missed this experience for the world.

The dance was from 7:00-10:00. When we arrived we were given our rotation of assignments, which consisted of where to stand in the gym like a Secret Service agent being ever vigilant to stop unwanted activities and threats. I'm glad my wife went so we could talk and half enjoy the music played at what seemed to be a skull splitting volume. Let's discuss what the average 12-14 year old thinks dancing is in this day and age. It's what I would call a modified "pogo" or calf pain inducing jumps up and down repeatedly punctuated with arm motions of some sort, but hammering and lawn sprinklers come to mind most prominently. Slow dancing is at this age consists of both partners placing their wrists on their partners shoulders and swaying. Needless to say we laughed a lot, but were very glad to go home.

In between soccer schedules, I managed to get two nice rides in over the weekend, which allowed me to enjoy the improving weather. I got to use First Endurance's Pre-Race and EFS sports drink for the first time since last fall. I ordered these to go with the Optygen the great folks at First Endurance were sending my way. I tried all of the First Endurance products last year during the summer and fall, but I had taken a break due to the cold weather. That was a clear mistake.

I had forgotten how good their products were and what a direct effect they have on my riding. Pre-Race and EFS sports drink when used together are high grade jet fuel. I rode harder in terms of speed and heart rate, but with a great deal more comfort and efficiency. My ride numbers proved that out. On longer rides, I've added EFS Liquid Shot with great results too. I only wish there were other flavors in addition to vanilla. First Endurance also has an interesting blog post about using Pre-Race and Liquid Shot together on rides. I'm looking forward to the added kick Optygen will give me in a week or so after the "loading" process is complete.

There was a painful parenting situation this weekend I'm sure nearly all of us have or will face. My oldest daughter loves soccer. It's her passion and she would rather practice and play than do almost anything. The problem now is her genetics have caught up with her. She still has the aggressiveness and passion for the game, but she may have peaked in terms of her abilities relative to the members of her team. She's seen her playing time drop dramatically as the team progressed into the upper strata of state-wide rankings and new players have joined the team. It's not much consolation for her to be told that she's in the top 250-300 14 year old girls in the state when her playing time is down. It also didn't do any good to tell her that she's progressed farther than I ever did as a competitive athlete at her age. I felt utterly powerless and useless. I'm not sure who felt worse, but it was probably her.

She has my competitive fire, but also unfortunately my lack of natural soccer genetics. The immediate prescription was some additional coaching and playing time as a guest player on a team where she should be a dominant force on the field as well as the ability to learn coaching by shadowing her coach during the game when she's not playing. That seemed to salve the wound, but not heal it. How can a parent effectively, gently, and lovingly tell a child their destiny and skills lie beyond the field of play in a sport they love? I'm still struggling with this one and not sure there's a real answer.

Sunday I did what I always do now. I take my thoughts with me as I ride to try to figure out answers to my problems and to try too find peace to the difficulties in life. My problem this weekend was that while my body felt strong, energized and powerful in the saddle, my brain and soul felt inept, unsure and powerless. I know this will pass with time and my daughter will find her way forward with or without me, but right now that's like my mother telling me when I was 14 I would eventually grow taller. I found peace at 5'9". I hope my daughter will find peace as a soccer player whenever she plays in the future even at my age. More importantly, I hope she and I can find a way to channel her fire and passion into something in addition to soccer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Scott,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I can't believe you're finding the time to ride and you have five kids. That's impressive! And yes... kudos to your tolerant wife. My wife is the same. We have two boys and sometimes it's hard for me to get out... but again she knows cycling is my outlet. I look forward to reading more of your blog. Ride Strong! Donald
